Extremely bright, water-soluble, amine-reactive label containing one NHS-ester group. Brightest fluorescent label currently available for the Kr-ion laser line (647 nm)
Perfectly suited for excitation with 635, 640, and 650-nm diode lasers
Low quenching tendency at high dye-to-protein/DNA ratios compared to other labels e.g. Cy5™
Large Stokes’shift of ~46 nm (about twice that of Cy5 or Alexa 647).
Considerably higher photostability compared to fluorescein or other cyanine dyes (Cy5 or Alexa dyes)
High chemical stability against oxidation with peroxides or other oxygen species (e.g. ozone)
Several times longer fluorescence lifetime (τ = 3 ns) compared to Cy5 or Alexa 647 (τ = 1 ns)
Extremely bright label: most sensitive organic fluorescent label for proteins, amino-modified oligos or DNA currently on the market for the 647-nm Kr-ion laser line